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Digital Technology Meets Education, We are building the 2030 future classroom to house future classes

Edutech Corporate Pavilion

Venue Aa-305 Aa-306-2 Aa-307-1 Aa-307-2
3F, International Pavilion Secondary 1, Secondary 2, Smart Office Project Kinder Elementary

Classroom Theme

Theme Classroom Concept
Kinder Classrooms for learning and relaxation
Classrooms for play and eco-education
Elementary, Secondary Personalized classrooms with AI-based learning analysis
Classrooms that utilize digital technology allow students to study together freely with each other and with their peers
overseas and in other cities and provinces, without the limitations of space.
Project Creative fusion classrooms where imaginations can run wild
Classrooms where cooperation makes imagination a reality
Smart Office Spaces to analyze your classes and results
Spaces providing edutech