Glocal Future Education Conference
on the specialtopics related to the future of education.

Glocal Future Education Conference on the specialtopics related to the future of education.
Expo Hall · Grand Hall · Conference Hall · Seminar RoomKeynote Lectures
Special lectures by world-renowned education leaders on the glocal future education.
Date | Instructor | Pre-registration |
5.29(wd) 11:00~12:30 | Michael Sandel (Professor at Harvard University) |
5. 30.(thu) 10:00~11:30 | Dennis Hong (Professor at University of California, Los Angeles) |
Pre-registration |
5. 31.(fri) 10:00~11:30 | Paul Kim (Associate Dean of the Graduate School of Education at Stanford University) |
Pre-registration |
6. 1.(sat) 10:00~11:30 | Thomas Frey (Executive Director at DaVinci Institute) |
Pre-registration |
6. 2.(sun) 10:00~11:30 | Tan Oon Seng National Institute of Education, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore Dean, Special Projects and Director, Singapore Centre for Character and Citizenship Education |
Pre-registration |
Countries Conference
A public forum for 12 countries that share similar conditions and challenges to discuss the direction of future education.
- Presentation of visions and policies related to future education policies of the participating countries
- Lectures and forums on future education by each country participating in the International Pavilion
- Participating countries: Australia, Canada, China, India, Japan, Kazakhstan, Malaysia, Mongolia, Morocco, Türkiye, UK, Viet Nam
International Seminar
Organizing the 2024 Korea-OECD International Seminar online and offline on 'Innovation of Teacher Education in the Era of Digital Transformation' in collaboration with the Ministry of Education and the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development.
- Jointly explore solutions to educational and social challenges with the international community
- Hosted and organized by the Ministry of Education, Korea Educational Development Institute, Jeollanamdo Office of Education, and Jeollanamdo
Collaborative Sessions
Education leaders from across the country discussing the direction of future education and explore ways to move forward.
- National education leaders come together to share the direction of future education
- Joint Declaration on Glocal Education, Workshops on Glocal and Future Education, Joint Declaration of the Student Presidents' Conference, etc
- Participating institutions: National Council of Governors of Education, National Council of the Superintendent of Schools, Korea Elementary School Principal's Association, City and Province Combined Association for the Study of Elementary School Women Education Leaders in Education Administration, Korea Association of Secondary Education Principals, Student Presidents' Conference, National Council of Directors of Training Centers, The Korean Society for Sociology of Education
Glocal Sessions
Helping students develop global awareness in local education through various lectures and future education forums.
- Lectures and forums for K-12 students
- JeollaNamdo Reading Culture Hanmadang, Education Hope Forum, Youth Education Policy Proposal Square, Multicultural Education Forum, etc
- Students participating: Jeollanamdo Office of Education, Gyeongsangbuk-do Office of Education
Insights Sessions
On-site seminar on the future of education as envisioned by 'Future Education Think Tank', global companies and organization
- Organize conferences and seminars for institutions and educational organizations
- Participating corporation/Institution : Apple, Google, NAVER, Korea Future Education Research Service, Madras check, Shingu Library Foundation-ECO, WEVEN